Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Pet Insurance

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the renowned dog species due to their calmness and sweet natural looks. Originating, from the United Kingdom, these dogs belong to the toy group and are perfect home companions. It is essential for every Cavs keeper to consider securing Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog Insurance. The Cavalier King…

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Dental Problems in Dogs

Dogs can experience the same type of dental problems that humans do, from a cracked or broken tooth all the way to plaque buildup and periodontal disease. Dogs could also suffer from toothaches or any number of dental issues and are programmed to hide their pain. Your dog might be suffering from dental problems in…

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Baby Bearded Dragon

Baby bearded dragons have become a popular pet in many households. These little creatures are not only cute but have a big personality. In fact, caring for a Baby Bearded dragon is very similar to that of a cat and dog, especially in their infancy. Table of Contents: Where to Get a Baby Bearded Dragon…

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Vizsla Pet Insurance

The Vizsla, also known as the Hungarian Pointer after its country of origin, is a shorthaired, medium-sized dog that, at an average of around 50 pounds (23 kg), is in fact the smallest pointer-type breed. Should you Purchase Insurance for your Vizsla? These dogs are superb at hunting and guarding, but they also make great…

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Siberian Husky Pet Insurance

The Siberian husky has become popular in the US for its agility, attractive appearance and loyalty. As the name suggests, these huskies originated in Siberia, where they were bred by Eskimo peoples as a sled dog. Though they are extremely active, these dogs can with proper training become excellent family pets, provided that they receive…

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Jack Russell Terrier Pet Insurance

The Jack Russell terrier is a small dog, usually measuring around a foot (30 cm) high and weighing around 15 pounds (7 kg), that originated in Scotland in the early 1800s, where it was bred for hunting foxes. These dogs are extremely active, even acrobatic, and can be difficult to train. Still, if properly socialized,…

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St. Bernard Pet Insurance

The St. Bernard is one of the largest breeds, averaging well over 150 pounds (68 kg) and on occasion reaching up to 300 pounds (136 kg). They are the iconic rescue dogs of the Swiss and Italian Alps, where they became beloved for their courage, strength, and gentleness, and took their name from a travelers’…

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German Shorthaired Pointer Pet Insurance

The German shorthaired pointer has origins in Germany where it was developed for hunting. The dog grows to medium or large body size but it is streamlined for rapid movement and quick turns. Since the dawn of the 19th century, the German shorthaired pointer has been used in numerous hunting expeditions for its affectionate, intelligent…

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Best Small Dog Breeds for Kids and Families

Typically, little kids and little dogs do not play well together. Many small dog breeds are too fragile or don’t possess the temperament required for dealing with young children. However, if you’re looking for a family dog and don’t want a larger canine, there are small dog breeds suitable for sharing life with well-behaved kids…

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Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pet Insurance

For many decades, the Staffordshire bull terrier has been used in many homes as a pet because of its loving and playful nature. The dog breed is especially fond of children and its love for them is genuine. Being a mixed breed between the bulldog and the terrier breeds, the Staffordshire bull terrier, it has…

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