Gallbladder Obstruction in Dogs

What is a Gallbladder Obstruction? The gallbladder is a small organ closely related to the liver. The main function of the gallbladder is to concentrate bile, a fluid related to digestion that comes from the liver. The gallbladder releases bile through the bile duct, which enters the pancreas. The obstruction of the gallbladder leads to serious…

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Overweight Cats and Exercise

Cats can benefit greatly from owners encouraging them to move. Physical activity is essential for overall wellness and maintaining a healthy weight. More than half of all cats living in the United States are considered overweight or obese. Inactivity may also contribute to problem behaviors evolving from boredom. Table of Contents: How Can You Tell…

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Can You Make A Feral Cat A Pet?

All cats are special, but some tug on your heartstrings more than others. If there’s a scrawny, scaredy-cat that lives rough in your neighborhood, it’s difficult for any cat lover to walk past and not be moved. In the winter, you put food out. The cat starts to recognize you and slinks out of hiding,…

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Rewarding Your Dog: Why and How it Works

Teaching dogs to behave in response to a command is an integral part of enjoying canine companions. Learning to sit, stay and walk on a leash makes it possible for dogs and humans to co-exist peacefully in a variety of situations. In training these behaviors, reward based reinforcement is recommended as the safest and most…

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DIY Cool Cat Toys

What’s cute when your pet’s a kitten isn’t so sweet when a fully-grown adult cat trips you on the stairs. However, your feline friend isn’t trying to be annoying but just expressing the natural urge to stalk, paw, and pounce. The Importance of Play for Cats Kittens as young as two weeks old bat at…

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Dog Diarrhea: What Can You Do To Help?

Diarrhea is never pleasant for anyone. And diarrhea in a dog is flat-out horrible. When your canine companion has “to go” every five minutes or frequent and watery bowel movements start collecting on your floor and couch, no one is happy. Diarrhea can also be accompanied by pain, cramping, and irritation. If your dog has…

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Dog Yoga: Why ‘Doga’ Don’t Cut It

Some things sound great in theory but totally bomb in reality. Think world peace. High-heeled sneakers. Bacon-flavored potato chips. And you can add one more to the list: Yoga for dogs. Called “doga” by those in the know, the practice involves rolling out your yoga mat, calling your pooch on over, and then having a…

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Dos and Don’ts of Bicycling with Your Dog

Ever gone crazy with envy when you see a dog owner pedaling happily away on a bicycle with a loyal dog merrily galloping by their side? Me neither. But I do have a high-energy dog that requires lots of exercises if we want even a slim chance of him letting us sleep through the night….

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Top 6 Life Lessons We Can Learn from Our Dogs

While some folks may long to be rich, famous, immortal or have 88 million Twitter followers, I have a much more modest proposal. I want to be my dog. Nary a day goes by that I don’t long to be one of my pampered pooches, and not just because they’re pampered. Dogs have no-nonsense take…

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