Nebelung Cat Pet Insurance

Nebelung in German means something like “creature of the mist,” a phrase that nicely captures this cat’s shimmering coat of silver and blue. A variant of the Russian Blue, this type of cat breed was developed in the 1980s. Nebelungs’ are longish, mid-sized cats with striking green eyes and medium-length hair. Males tend to have…

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LaPerm Cats Pet Insurance

The LaPerm, which was developed in the 1980s in Oregon, takes its name from its distinctive curly or “permed” fur, which can be short or long. The LaPerm can be born shorthaired or even bald as kittens, with their distinctive curls growing in after a few months. You might see a LaPerm with a straight…

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Toygers (The Cat That Looks Like A Tiger)

As the name suggests, Toyger cats resemble miniature tigers, with the important difference that they are sweet and friendly to people. The breed is one of the newer breeds as it was developed in the 1990s from stock that included a street cat that was found in Kashmir in India who looked like a tiger….

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Manx Cat Breed Info

The Manx Cats are one of the oldest cat breeds with many legends surrounding their origin. Some have thought that the Manx has been around since the 1800s, however, they have been bred in the United States since the early 1930s. The theory is that the Manx’s tailless body is the result of a spontaneous…

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English Bulldog Pet Insurance

English bulldogs—or British bulldogs, or simply bulldogs—are immediately recognizable by their scrunched-up faces and barrel chests. The breed was developed in England for hunting and for the now banned sport of bull baiting. Modern breeding has selected for dogs that are gentle and patient, and they are known to be especially good with children. Just…

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Russian Blue Cat Insurance

There are so many different breeds and types of cats that it is sometimes hard to decipher their specific traits and/or characteristics. The Russian Blue is a little more predictable in its nature and behavioral patterns. Characteristics of the Russian Blue Cat When adopting a cat, you never know if you are bringing home a…

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Turkish Angora Cat Insurance

Renowned for their beautiful stretched, silky coat which tends to glitter when it walks, Turkish Angora cats are smart, intelligent and relates well with humans. The Angora is playful and affectionate making it a top choice for most families. So many theories try to explain its origin, but one theory claims that the cat originated…

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Why Changing Your Cat’s Food is Risky

This has happened to too many cat parents. They’re browsing through the cat food aisle when they see a brand new food. Checking the ingredient list and seeing the picture of a well-fed, happy cat on the label convinces them to buy a few cans (or a bag, if it’s dry) of the new food….

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English Setter Pet Insurance

The English Setter is ranked among the top 100 popular dog breeds in the UK. These dogs like to be among people all the time so they are best suited for environments where there is a lot of human activity. Since they are gentle with everyone, the English setter is prone to disobedience if pushed…

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Border Collie Pet Insurance

The intelligence and energy of the Border Collie are legendary. They were developed as herding dogs, although they are now common house pets, both in purebred form and in various mixes (in which the characteristics are often dominant). They are loyal, loving “people dogs” and can be excellent house dogs, but they require a firm…

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