Thai Cat Insurance

Thai cats originated in Thailand, and they are renowned for their colorful coats, beautiful eyes and intriguing personalities. This breed of cats is classified as Burmese, Siamese, Korat or Suphalak accordingly to color. These cats have been associated with good luck since they first appeared some 1000 years ago in Thailand’s temples and royal courts,…

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Boston Terrier Pet Insurance

The Boston Terrier is one of the first breeds to originate in the United States. They were originally used as fighting dogs, but they have since been bred to be playful and gentle canine companions. Bostons are mid-sized dogs, averaging around 20 pounds (9 kg), with short hair and, usually, bobbed tails. Properly trained, these…

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Boxer Cardiomyopathy

Cost of Treatment: $450 to $1,100 What Is Boxer Cardiomyopathy Also known as Boxer ARVC, boxer cardiomyopathy is a genetic disorder marked by an abnormal heartbeat originating from the heart’s right ventricle. The condition can lead to an enlargement of the right side of the heart, reduced capabilities to pump blood out to the rest of…

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Cushing’s Disease in Dogs

Cushing’s disease in dogs is a condition when a dog has unusually high levels of cortisol or similar hormones in his system. Cortisol is a hormone that helps dogs deal with stress and aids in controlling their immune system. However, too much cortisol in a dog can cause a lot of damage. Cushing’s disease, also called…

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10 Hidden Hazards for Indoor Cats

You want your cat to have a long, happy life, so you follow the ASPCA‘s advice and keep your beloved cat inside. But just because your cat is safe from outdoor dangers doesn’t mean she’s safe from all dangers. Hazards lurk on both sides of the door. The indoor hazards are simply a bit less…

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Cryptorchidism in Dogs

Frequently Asked Questions What is cryptorchidism in dogs? Cryptorchidism is the most common birth defect in male dog genitalia, where one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum. Dogs with this condition are at a higher risk of developing testicular cancer. What are the symptoms of cryptorchidism in dogs? The primary symptom is…

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Top 5 Dog Breeds That Serve as Team Mascots

Finding the ideal mascot takes time and preparation. Some of the most popular colleges have great mascots that exemplify their respective programs. They serve as the first look at your team and as the iconic figure that will spur your school on in times of need. The Bulldog is one of the most popular mascots…

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How to Stop Dog Barking At Night

Dogs are motivated to bark by a variety of reasons. Greeting – This playful barking is often accompanied by tail wags and happy jumping. Desire – Dogs may communicate a desire to go outside, play, or be fed by barking for attention. Fear – Noises or objects that seem unfamiliar or threatening may startle a…

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Declawing Cats

Should you declaw your cat? Around 25 percent of you are now quietly nodding because this is the percentage of U.S. cats that are declawed. Of course, one person might have several cats declawed while in some cities the procedure is illegal, so this skews the statistics. But you still get the point. Declawing is…

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Gallstones in Dogs

Gallstones in dogs is a medical condition that is caused by stones forming in the gall bladder. Gallstones or choleliths are solid particles that usually contain bile, cholesterol, bacteria, proteins and calcium salts. Gallstones can vary in size, going from a small particle to large stones, which can cause blockage in the gal. The gallbladder…

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